Salad Ideas to Make Today

On warmer days, it always seems like time to whip up a quick salad. You might not want to be working at a hot stove, so this is a great way to get dinner on the table in the heat. Today we’re going to take a look at how to construct a delicious salad that you might find in a restaurant. We know that sometimes making a salad at home can leave you disappointed, so read on to find out how to make yours a meal to remember.
1. Greens
The greens are the base of any good salad. Try to include a variety of different greens so that you get different flavors and textures into your meal. Romaine and iceberg lettuce bring crunch, compared to soft spinach or Butter lettuce. You can add pepper flavor with arugula or watercress. Lightly season your greens with salt and pepper to bring out their flavor.
2. Fresh herbs
Adding fresh herbs to a salad with instantly add extra flavor. You can work with whatever you have in the fridge or try classic flavor combinations like tomato and basil. Cilantro, parsley, and dill all work really well.
3. Color and variety
Use your other ingredients to make your salad really vibrant and enticing. Use a variety of colors to make it stand out. You’ll also be getting lots of vitamins from the different vegetables. You can bring in texture by using crunchy vegetables like raw carrots and add healthy fats from avocado. Cucumber and tomato bring freshness and juice to the salad.
If you like sweetness in your salad, you can add dried fruit or sweet nuts. For extra saltiness, add a cheese like halloumi or feta.
4. Grains
One great way to add variety and texture to your plate is to include grains. Couscous, quinoa, farro, barley, and even rice are all great. They have the added benefit of taking on flavor well so your dressing will make more of an impact. They’re super versatile and really good for you.
5. Protein
If you need a filling meal to keep you energized from lunch until dinner, be sure to add some protein. Beans, nuts, and seeds all work well and will add to the varied texture of your dish. You can even add some chicken or fish if you want to make it a full meal. To keep it lighter, but still filling, add a poached or boiled egg.
6. Dressing
We stock a whole range of salad dressings here at Shisler’s Cheese House, so you’re sure to find one that suits your salad. Our private label dressings all contain delicious Vidalia onion as well as flavors including creamy cucumber and summer tomato. We also offer a range of calorie-free dressings including ranch and raspberry vinaigrette. Dress your whole salad before plating it. This will give a much more even distribution of flavor so that every mouthful sings.
We hope that you’ve enjoyed our salad tips. What’s your favorite? Let us know in the comments!